Sept. 1st, 2024
I read somewhere that the greatest weight loss hack is to learn to have a bad day without turning to food or alcohol. As harsh as this advice may sound, it holds a lot of truth.
Emotional and stress eating is something that I've dealt with personally and is also something that I come across in my coaching practice.
It took myself a long time to come to terms with the negative relationship I had with food.
If you've known me for some time or have been following me for some time, you'll know that I struggled with being overweight for most of my life.
My issue was never that I had an impaired metabolism or didn't know what was healthy and what wasn't... but mainly that I overate when I felt any emotion- stress, sadness, tiredness, wanted to celebrate.
My relationship with food started to improve once I realized my actual issues and also learned to cope with my emotions in other, healthier ways. It's not that I never have bad days anymore, its that I have the tools, skills and mindset to not numb my feelings.

Realizing the connectedness of mental health and nutrition habits is what eventually drove me to become a nutrition coach myself.
What I feel is often missing from traditional nutrition interventions is the role of one's mental state. This is why I chose to study at the Institute of Transformational Nutrition, where one third of the curriculum is psychology.
Yes, often people need to make tangible changes to their lifestyle habits and what they eat, but what will actually result in lasting change and true transformation, is one's mindset.
I know taking a look at the root cause of disordered eating habits can be difficult to do because we might start to see things about ourselves, our thoughts, our relationships, our career... that we'd rather not address. It's important to have people who can help you through it, therapists, doctors, friends/ family and a coach.
As a coach, I really like to emphasize that nutrition is more than what's on our plates. To create a lasting, healthy lifestyle change, we have to take a holistic approach that focuses on the mind and on our relationships (including the one with food) as well.
If you are looking to make lasting changes with nutrition and lifestyle habits, reach out to me and let's meet!